Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Lebanese Crisis / Arabic Translation

Here's a blog where people are talking about the larger picture of the current conflicts in the Middle East:

I'm finding it an interesting read, though I wish my Arabic were farther along...(as it's pracically non-extant). Luckily there's this tool from Google:|en
which translates the Arabic near the top of the page through the link above as:
أنا غضبان ومفقوع ومقهور، لا بل إني أتميّز غضبا.
لقد وصلت الغطرسة الإسرائيلية حد أن تفرض حصارا بريا وبحريا وجويا كاملا على دولة لبنان الدولة العربيّة الحرّة المستقلة لا بل ووصلت درجة أن تطالب لبنان باخلاء الضاحية الجنوبية للعاصمة بيروت ليحلو لها دكّ العاصمة اللبنانية كيفما تشاء.
يا للعنجهية الصهيونية.
I Mafqua Ghadban, and in distress, but I do not Atmez anger. We arrived arrogance of the Israeli imposed blockade the road, maritime and air fully on the State of Lebanon, the Arab State of free independent and even to the extent that the degree of demand of Lebanon to evacuate the southern suburb of the capital Beirut Lehlo have demolished the Lebanese capital as they wish. Oh Llangheh Zionism.

Wow...on my Kubuntu system, when I select Arabic text, I have to select from right-to-left. Go, technology!


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