Thursday, August 10, 2006

From Beirut to the Beltway

This blog bridges the issues of Lebanon with US foreign policy. A recent post describes Israeli strategy through the words of members of Israel's gov't:
This is how Israel’s mighty army plans to win the war against Hizbullah:

A senior General Staff officer told Haaretz that for the first time since the fighting began, Israel plans to attack strategic infrastructure targets and symbols of the Lebanese government.

The officer said, "we are now in a process of renewed escalation. We will continue hitting everything that moves in Hezbollah - but we will also hit strategic civilian infrastructure."
Of course, like all quotes, this is likely taken out of context (for instance, what is a "senior General Staff officer" really?). But it is good to know that there are people out there looking into these sorts of issues. I remember when the US hit Zarqawi back on June 7th. There were reports that 5-10 civilians (of the women and children variety) were killed in the airstrike. It's important to know if your gov't considers "hitting everything that moves" as "collateral damage."


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